Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Great Wall

Before we met Miss Bella, we spent time at the Great Wall and Summer Palace. I did post about this; however, the post is lost in space. I'll try to recap here: The Great Wall is truly something to behold. There were so many people there climbing the steps. Brian and I were some of these people too....for a little while. :) The heat fatigued me so I didn't make it was far as I was hoping.

Summer Palace was huge and beautiful. It was packed with people, but not all of them looked like us. Brian and I had a celebrity moment when a couple came up to us and motioned that they'd like for us to take a picture...literally. They wanted to pose with Brian and I for their camera. I also snapped one of our new friends with my camera.

Around these two spots, we made time to go to the jade and pearl market. Bella has gifts from both places, but I'm hoping she'll understand when her mommy wants to borrow her new jade bangle bracelet and necklace.

Enjoy the pics!

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