Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back to Work

Monday was a big day in our house...I went back to work. I'm very, very fortunate. I work part-time and Bella will be with her dad for the next couple of weeks, but it was still hard. I can't believe my twelve week maternity leave is up. It feels like July 14th (my last day at work pre-China) just happened. It's also strange to think the adoption journey has officially closed. For so long we talked about going to China and me taking off work....and it's the blink of an eye. We're now your average American family. Brian and I are just two people raising a very spicy little Hunan girl. :)

In other Bella news, poor baby has an ear infection and RSV. :( We're now masters of breathing treatments and are on house arrest until this passes. For all of our travel mates, can you imagine your little Chenzhou girl on steroids?!?! We can.

Pre-house arrest, Bella had a busy weekend playing with friends. Here's Bella and another Chenzhou girl, Ashton:

Ashton and her family have visited Chenzhou lately and have been a wealth of information for us.

Here's Bella having a good time with Marissa and Madison:

It doesn't bother Bella that they're older; she fits right in!


The MacDonald's said...

Bella looks bright eyed and bushy tailed for a baby that has been so sick!! Hope you are feeling better Bella, we miss you, Elizabeth sends you a kiss. Tell your daddy we said "Go Gators!"

Wendy said...

Bella looks so cute, I love the hair!!! We are so sad you guys can't make it in this weekend but we will see you soon :) I hope Bella is feeling much better.



Hunan Mommy said...

So neat that you have contact with people who know about the Chenzhou orphanage! Cara