Saturday, August 8, 2009

Eating Time

Bella loves to eat! That's an understatement. Eating is her most favorite thing in the world ever....even second to thumb sucking and scratching. She enjoys it so much, as soon as we give her a bite, she immediately puts her thumb in her mouth. We think she puts it in there to save some of the taste on hand for later. This makes for an interesting dining experience. This was what she looked like after breakfast yesterday morning:

Why is her bib on sideways? She moves it to make room to suck on her thumb. The bib just slows her down.

We're all adjusting here. Poor baby has a few tummy issues we're working through and has an ear infection too. However, she's a champ. She didn't let a little sickness get in the way of her sleep last night...11 hours. Woo hoo! Sure wish Mommy and Daddy could get their time clocks adjusted too.

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